Namban Project
Namban in the Wheatbelt Region of Western Australia

The Manning Prospect is located 150km north of Perth and 90km north of Chalice Mining’s world class Julimar Ni-Cu-PGE Project. The drilling program was designed to test large Ni-Cu-PGE*+Au geochemical anomalies (Pd soil anomaly with a peak value of 28 ppb coincident with Cu peak value of 605 ppm and Ni peak value of 206 ppm) covering an area of 2km X 0.5km that are coincident with Induced Polarisation (IP) anomalies with high chargeability values of up to 40 mV/V.

Namban Project Location along the northern extent of the arcuate Julimar – Yule Corridor, truncated by the Darling Fault (dark blue) to the west. Image is 1VD-RTP magnetics draped with Bouger Gravity
Maiden diamond drilling program over Dalaroo’s 100% owned Manning Prospect has intersected copper sulphide mineralisation and gold mineralisation west of MI6’s Moora Project along strike of the Mt Yule Trend. The diamond drill program at Manning was partly funded by the Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) grant awarded to Dalaroo by the Government of Western Australia.
Elevated copper, gold and silver assays up to 0.11% Cu, 0.61 g/t Au and 14.5 g/t Ag were intersected in the drilling program. Host lithologies are interpreted as differentiated intrusive mafic rocks (gabbroic dolerites) believed to be part of a larger (dismembered) intrusive mafic sill complex within a sequence of high-grade metamorphic rocks (gneisses/granulites) that remains prospective for magmatic intrusion hosted Ni-Cu-PGE-Au mineralisation at Namban.

Namban Project – Manning prospect: Contoured soil anomalies, diamond drill hole locations and bedrock anomalies. Contours >5ppb Au contours in red; >75ppm Cu in green; >100ppm Ni in magenta; >5ppb Pt in blue
Two orientations of chlorite-sulphide veinlets/fractures trending subvertical north-west and north north-west were logged in the holes. A steep NW plunge is inferred from the intersection of the vein sets. The sulphide intersections comprising chalcopyrite-pyrite+/- pyrrhotite rich zones in MNDD004. Pyrite-carbonate alteration was noted in fractured felsic dykes that are NNW trending and are coincident with the regional copper and gold trend around the margins of the interpreted Julimar-Mt Yule Gravity corridor.
Two orientations of chlorite-sulphide veinlets/fractures trending subvertical north-west and north north-west were logged in the holes. A steep NW plunge is inferred from the intersection of the vein sets. The sulphide intersections comprising chalcopyrite-pyrite+/- pyrrhotite rich zones in MNDD004. Pyrite-carbonate alteration was noted in fractured felsic dykes that are NNW trending and are coincident with the regional copper and gold trend around the margins of the interpreted Julimar-Mt Yule Gravity corridor.
Next Steps at Namban
Given the significant size of the surface geochemical anomalism (Ni-Cu-PGE*+Au) outlined (measuring 2km X 0.5km) at the Manning Prospect and only four holes drilled using Dalaroo’s successful grant under the EIS of $175,000, further exploration work is warranted. Future work at the Manning Prospect will include ground gravity surveys, which are expected to complement and expand upon the existing geochemical and geophysical datasets which have helped to delineate encouraging sulphide copper and gold mineralisation.
Gravity surveys will provide additional insight through mapping the local density variation and potentially define deep seated intrusions or sources to the base metal mineralisation and differentiate prospective mafic and gabbroic units from the more recent Proterozoic dolerite dykes which trend through the project and provide targets for potential follow up drill programs.